
We are the main importer of technological systems in the telecommunications sector of Cuba


Our Installation Brigade, as well as telecommunications specialists are certified by our main provider


We export professional and technical services with high competence and quality


We have accumulated technical experience in the sector and a constant technological





Contribute uninterrupted, to the stability in the operation and to the expansion of the services of ETECSA's telecommunications networks nationwide

Be part

Be part of the support provided to the ETECSA wireless services during the visit of HH Pope Francis to our country


Participate in the installation and commissioning of the communications systems of the Container Terminal in the port of Mariel

Be executors

Be executors of the Communications Modernization Project for the Railways of Cuba


Support the modernization and strengthening of the national data network of the Cuban Aviation Corporation, including the start-up of its Videoconference system

System Design

Design of Videoconferencing systems for Government and State Entities